Presentation and data
Avícola Sánchez, AVICOSÁN, is a family company in the food industry that has been
selling top quality poultry products for
over 40 years.
In all these years, the values and success factors that have differentiated our
company are:
- Selection, processing and sale of top of the range poultry products
- The highest guarantee of health and quality
- A fast and efficient service
Currently, Avicosán has industrial facilities and a team of over 325 people ready to
address the needs of any kind of client,
from the most traditional markets to the largest of the European food distribution
Quality and integration
Ensuring the maximum quality and safety of our products is fundamental to our way of working. At Avicosán, we have Groc Català certification, which guarantees that our yellow chickens are local and reared on natural feeds, the International Food Standard (IFS), which ensures a high standard of food safety in all our processes, CCPAE, that guarantees the origin of our echo products and SAE, for the exportation to third countries out of European Union regulations.
PDF Quality, Food Safety and Environment Policy (Spanish)
PDF PRL Policy
PDF Environmental Policy
Integration of processes
Avícola Sánchez forms part of the production structure of the Vall Companys Group; a leader
in agri-food production in Spain.
All stages of the production process are integrated vertically in the same structure:
fertilisation of eggs (from pure-breed
chickens that belong to the Group), birth of chicks, rearing of chicks in associated farms
that are equipped with the latest
animal control and welfare systems, feeding with feeds manufactured by Vall Companys,
veterinary control and transport.
As a result, all of our products have a guarantee of quality and food safety, given by
one of the main Spanish poultry producers,
to ensure the service capacity and complete satisfaction of all our clients.

Subsidies (Spanish)
El objetivo del Real Decreto 477/2021 es el de promover el despliegue de las energías renovables, tanto térmicas como eléctricas, en los distintos sectores consumidores, fomentar un mayor control del consumo mediante el desarrollo de los sistemas de almacenamiento detrás del contador y el impulso a la industria y al sector empresarial asociado, de programas de incentivos de autoconsumo, almacenamiento y usos térmicos de energías renovables. En concreto, nuestras placas de energía se constituyen de: Programa de incentivos 2: Realización de instalaciones de autoconsumo, con fuentes de energía renovable, en el sector productivo, con o sin almacenamiento. Las placas fotovoltaicas constan de una instalación eléctrica en baja tensión para un autoconsumo instantáneo de 50 KWN / 64,17 KWP, con compensación simplificada de excedentes sobre cubierta de nave de AVICOLA SANCHEZ S.L. La principal finalidad de las placas instaladas en este establecimiento comercial es aprovechar la energía solar para así generar electricidad de manera limpia y sostenible. Como así también reducir los costes enérgicos, promover la autonomía y la estabilidad energética, cumpliendo con todas las regulaciones gubernamentales marcadas para este tipo de producto. Por último, mejoraríamos la imagen y la responsabilidad corporativa de la empresa debido a que demuestra un compromiso con la sostenibilidad y la responsabilidad ambiental.